Friday, June 22, 2007

Older Murals

I did the Sponge Bob mural on the wall of a childrens room a couple of years ago. The two trees and bamboo with the birds was first mural I was comissioned to paint.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More mural pics

I did these for some friends last week end. The jungle I had painted last year but I added some things for them. I did a children's bathroom but try as I might, I could not get the stitching program to piece together a decent panoramic pic. They also had me do a sea mural for the bathroom off their master bedroom and a set of waterfalls over their tub.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

first post, here we go

OK this is my first post on my second blog. My first blog was for work as an exercise to get us acquainted with blogs and other aspect of the current state of the Internet. I have to admit I had not given the Internet much thought beyond Google searches and reading news online. I have to admit that some of this stuff is quite intriguing, and I seem to be coming along with it fairly quickly. Anyway enough about how I got here. I started this blog as a way to showcase some of the stuff I have done over the years. Some time way back when, I was on the path to being an artist or so I would like to think. I don't know if I would have been a particularly good one, but I certainly enjoyed the process. There is something to be said about making things with your own two hands. At first I was very focused on producing works that had something to say and were "edgy" but the longer I was at it, the less I cared and I guess I never really got into the high end scene. To me Art is something hard to define and deeply personal, I really don't see a line between the arts and crafts. That is not to say that I don't have my particular likes or dislikes, but I don't see how those of others are particularly worse or better than mine. Anyway, I guess I'm all over the map with this thing right now. I will be posting pics of some of the stuff I have done over the years, as I come across it. Other than my family and friends and the few people that have commissioned me for some work I have not really put my stuff out for allot of other people to see. The latest things I have done are some murals so I am starting with those. These are panoramic shots I put together with a program named autostitch (if you are interested you can find it here: ). The under sea mural with the whale and the purple octopus is the first one I ever did, for a child's room (this is also the first time I really painted anything on this scale, I was into sculpture and jewelry).